Welcome to Amenity Pj v6.9.4


4a5643b; (HEAD, tag: v6.9.4); 2024-08-26 09:30:56 +0530; imPratik <impratikjaiswal@gmail.com>; github url is fixed for about page
Amenity Pj offers a playground for various open source tools (amenities) such as ASN1 Play, TLV Play, QR Play, Cert Play, Excel Play which are crafted with the purpose of enhancing productivity.

Thanks for helping us with our future release of Amenity Pj!

WARNING: These software(s) has passed our basic testing, but likely has many bugs. Do not use it on important data unless you have a backup!

Let us know if you find problems.

INFO: You can always switch back to Stable Release/Production version!

Got an issue with current release? Switch back to previous release of Amenity Pj!

Let us know if you find problems.

INFO: You can always switch back to Stable Release/Production version!